What is Twitter?

The new social site that has caught attention is known as Twitter, and more and more people are using it. The basic overview of Twitter does not sound like something to cause attention because all it does is have users update their status and make comments. Why do people "tweet"?

  • Stephanie Mendez 19, education major: "At first I thought that it was unnecessary because there was already MySpace and a Facebook. But, after tweeting for some time, I see it as a quick and easy way to communicate with my friends."
  • Chantal Gonzalez 19, general education: "I use Twitter to let the people I know know what is going on in my life and also to follow what celebrities do."
  • Jay Pimentel 20, Radiology major: "Twitter for me is a way to follow and keep up with the times as well as what some of the superstar athletes are posting."
  • Mark Leon 21, Game Stop employee: "To me it is best used as a way of social networking like that of MySpace and Facebook. But I think the reason it has caught on so good is because it's quicker, and you don't have to go through the mess."
  • Xavier Porchas 20, NCO/T-Mobile customer service: "I did not know much about Twitter until my friends told me about it, so I checked it out and I love it. I use it for following celebrities and keeping up with what my friends are doing."
  • Jasmine Anderson 19, Sociology major: "I use Twitter just to keep up with my friends and as an alternate source from MySpace and Facebook."

Even though I myself do not have a Twitter account, I plan to change that because of what I learned from the people I talked to. I found out that you can follow anybody, so I hope to get an account soon and follow the NFL.


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